HBSA is administrated and run by a committee of six unpaid volunteers. All of these volunteers are also broadcasters on the station. The committee is democratically elected each year from the membership in accordance with HBSA’s constitution, which is lodged with the OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charity Register).
The current committee is as follows:
Chairman – John Surgenor
Station Manager – Mark Fisher
Online Coordinator – Laurie Finlayson
Volunteer/Membership Secretary – Margo Houston
Internal Publicity Officer – George Smith
External Publicity Officer – Chris Woods
Trustees/Office Bearers:
Simon Jenkinson
Johnny Robertson
David Durham
Maggie Brown
In accordance with our constitution, the committee meets regularly to make decisions on how the charity is run and steer the station in the right direction. A quorum of four members is required to transact business. If you have anything you would like to put to our committee for any reason, then please get in touch through the contact page, although please remember that we are not bound to discuss or take action on any points raised.